How to assemble a PCB easy

If you have ever had experience in hand soldering a printed circuit board with surface mount components, you would know how tricky it is to place the right component at right place. One cannot take forever to place the components as the solder paste is drying up too. I remember the first time I tried to hand solder one of the first PSLab prototypes, I printed an enlarged version of the front silk screen and used color pencils to group different resistors and capacitors. So that I will not mess it up. Getting back to the real topic, I used KiCAD to design PSLab circuits. KiCAD is open source and it has a Python interface (libraries ...). So there are many open source projects doing cool stuff with KiCAD PCBs and I found the one I was eagerly looking for months. Interactive HTML BoM InteractiveHtmlBom is an open source library we can just download and run out of the box. Keep in mind that, it would need the necessary KiCAD python stuff installed already. What this library does is, i...