Programming Assignment 2
Python Programming Assignments
This is the second set of python assignments I found.
Assignment 8
def getText(filename): "OPENS FILE AND RETURN CONTENT AS A LIST" # Opens file fo = open(filename, "r") # Reads content content = if len(content) == 0: return NAMEERROR else: line = content.split("\n") # Closes file fo.close() # Return value return line def show(output): "DISPLAYS THE OUTPUT" # Prints given string print str(output) def convert(text): "CIPER THE CODE AND RETURN THE STRING" if len(text) > 20: return None else: # Create a variable to store the ciper dummy_str = "" # Loop through every letter for letter in text: add_to = ord(letter) # If it's a letter, process under these conditions if (ord(letter) >= 65 and ord(letter) <= 85) or (ord(letter) >= 97 and ord(letter) <= 117): add_to = ord(letter) + 5 if (ord(letter) >= 118 and ord(letter) <= 122) or (ord(letter) >= 86 and ord(letter) <= 90): add_to = ord(letter) - 21 # Fill up the resulting string dummy_str += chr(add_to) # Return it return dummy_str def saveFile(fobj, text): "WRITES DATA TO AN OPEN FILE" # Writes 'text' to the 'fobj' file fobj.write(text + "\n") def main(): "MAIN PROGRAMME" # Opens writing file fw = open("Result.txt", "w") try: # Assign the content to a list code = getText("FileIn.txt") # It can contain only 50 or less lines if len(code) < 50: for sentence in code: try: ciper = convert(sentence) saveFile(fw, ciper) except (TypeError): print "There are more than 20 characters in the line... :(" saveFile(fw, "There are more than 20 characters in the line... :(") else: show(ciper) else: print "There are more than 50 lines to ciper... :(" saveFile(fw, "There are more than 50 lines to ciper... :(") except (IOError): print "No file to read from... :(" saveFile(fw, "No file to read from... :(") # Closes writing file fw.close() except (NameError): print "File is empty... :(" saveFile(fw, "File is empty... :(") # Closes writing file fw.close() # Closes writing file fw.close() main()
Assignment 9
def getText(filename): "Reads a file and return content as a list" # Trick : Returns an ZeroDivisionError if the list content is over 50 # Opens file fo = open(filename, "r") # Reads file content as a list data ="\n") # Closes file fo.close() if len(data) < 50: return data else: return 10/0 def process(String): "Count number of times letters are present and returns a dictionary" # Empty dictionary to store counts dic = {} # Lower case every letter String = String.lower() # Go through every letter in String for letter in String: # If the letter is not inside the dictionary, adds an entry if letter not in dic: dic[letter] = 1 # If it is present already, add one up else: dic[letter] += 1 # Return the dictionary return dic def result(String, Dictionary): "Displays count in a line" # Returns the complete string output Return_str = [] # Prints the count and letters for key in Dictionary: if Dictionary[key] == 1: Return_str.append("'" + key + "'") # Returns the resulting string if len(Return_str) != 0: return ", ".join(sorted(Return_str)) else: return "Nothing" def show(fileobj, String): "Displays String on screen and file both" # Displays on the screen print String # Writes to the file fileobj.write(String) fileobj.write("\n") def main(): "MAIN PROGRAMME" # Opens a file to write data fw = open("Result.txt", "w") try: # Gets a list of words in the file words = getText("FileIn.txt") # Go through every word in words for word in words: # Word length is limited to 20 if len(word) < 20: # Processed dictionary word_processed = process(word) # Result string Result = result(word, word_processed) # Build up the resultant string Resultant = word + " -> " + Result + " appear exactly once" # Display result show(fw, Resultant) else: print "Word length is limited to 20 characters... :(" except (IOError): print "No file to read from... :(" fw.write("No file to read from... :(") fw.close() except (ZeroDivisionError): print "File contains more than 50 words... :(" fw.write("File contains more than 50 words... :(") fw.close() # Closes the file fw.close() """MAIN PROGRAMME EXECUTION""" # Calling the main function main()
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