Regulating Voltage in PSLab
Electronic components are highly sensitive to voltages and currents
across them. Most of the devices in the current market work in the
voltage levels of 3.3V, 5V, 12V and 15V. If they are provided with a
different voltage than the one required by the vendor, they would not
function. If the voltage supplied is higher, they might burn off. The
PSLab device requires separate voltage levels such as 3.3V and 5V for
its operation.
There are commercial voltage regulators available in the market
designed with advanced feedback techniques and models. But we can create
out own voltage regulator. In this blog post, I am going to introduce
you to a few basic models capable of regulating voltage to a desired
Current implementation of PSLab device uses a voltage regulator
derived using a zener-resistor combination. This type of regulators have
a higher sensitivity to current and their operation may vary when the
supplied or the drawn current is lower than the expected values. In
order to have a stable voltage regulation, this combination needs to be
replaced with a much stable transistor-zener combination.
Before go into much details, let’s get to know a few basic concepts and devices related to.
Zener Diode
diode is a type of diode which has a different operational behavior
than the general diode. General diodes allow current to flow only in one
direction. If a current in the reverse is applied, they will break and
become unusable after a certain voltage level known as Breakdown Voltage.
But Zener diodes are specifically designed to function desirably once
this break down voltage has been passed and unlike general diode, it can
recover back to normal when the voltage is removed or reduced.
This is the game changing invention of the 20th century. There are two types of Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJT) available in the market. They are known as NPN and PNP transistors. The difference is based on the polarity of diodes used.
An NPN transistor can be modeled as a combination of two diodes –[NP →
PN]– and a PNP transistor can be modeled as –[PN → NP]– using two
There are three pins to take notice in BJTs. They are illustrated in the diagram shown here;
- Base
- Collector
- Emitter
The amazing fact about BJTs is that the amount of current provided to
the Base terminal will control the flow of current going through
Collector and Emitter. Also note that always there is a voltage drop
across the Base terminal and the Emitter terminal. This typically takes a
value of 0.7 V
Voltage Divider
This is the most basic type of voltage regulator. It simply divides
the voltage supplied by the battery with the ratio R1:R2. In the
following configuration, the output voltage can be calculated using the
voltage division rule;
Which is equal to 12 * 100/(100+200) = 4 V
is a huge drawback with this design. The above calculation is valid
only if there is no load impedance is present at the output terminals.
Generally there will be a load impedance and the supplied voltage
cannot be easily calculated as the load impedance is unknown to the
Resistor-Zener Voltage Regulator
Due to the load dependability of the previous model with the load, an
improved model can be introduced as follows. This is the current
implementation of voltage regulator in PSLab device.
Unlike the previous model, this model ensures that the output voltage will be maintained constant across the output terminals within a range of supply voltage values.
Let’s assume the supply voltage is increased. Then the current flow
through the zener diode will increase in order to maintain a constant
voltage across the output terminals. In case if the supply voltage
drops, then the zener current will decrease and a stable voltage across
the output terminals will be maintained.
This design also comes with a slight draw back. This can be explained
using the characteristic curve of a zener diode. (Figure is taken from :
http://www.electronics-tutorials. ws/diode/diode_7.html)
a zener diode to maintain a constant voltage level across output
terminals, there should be a minimum current flowing through the diode.
If this current is not flowing in the zener, there won’t be a
regulation. Assume there is a very low load impedance. Then the current
supplied by the source will find an easier path to flow other than
through the diode. This will affect the regulatory circuit and the
desired voltage will not appear across the output terminals.
To compensate the drawback, a much improved design is available using transistors.
Transistor-Zener Voltage Regulator
is the proposed improvement to the voltage regulatory circuit in PSLab
device. In this model, the zener diode is taken away from the load
circuit as the current to the load is supplied from the transistor
directly. This avoids current limitations to the zener diode had in the
previous model and transistor acts as a bridge.
A small current through the Base terminal (1) will support a higher
current flow through the output terminal via Collector (2) and Emitter
(3). This amplification ratio is in the range of few hundreds for a
typical BJT.
A capacitor has been added to compensate ripples from the supply
source. If a higher current flow is required through the output
terminals, the NPN transistor can be replaced by a Darlington pair.
Using a 5.6 V zener diode and MMBT3904/6 transistors, this model has
been implemented in the newest version of PSLab device. They will be
supplying a constant voltage of +/- 5V to V+ and V- pins in the device.
External Links:
- FOSSASIA PSLab Firmware Repository –
- FOSSASIA PSLab Hardware Repository –
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